WIRN-NOLISP 2015 - Workshop Italiano Reti Neurali

WIRN 2015

The Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN) is the annual conference of the Italian Society of Neural Networks (SIREN). The conference is organized, since 1989, in co-operation with the International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies (IIASS) of Vietri S/M (Italy), and is a traditional event devoted to the discussion of novelties and innovations related to the field of Artificial Neural Networks. It also hosts, among others, various multidisciplinary forum on psychological and cognitive theories for modelling human behaviours, financial and economic applications of neural networks, neuromorphic implementation of brain circuits, and computational intelligence applications on Smart Grids. The 24th Edition of the Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN 2014) will be held at the IIASS of Vietri sul Mare, near Salerno, Italy.



Non-Linear Speech Processing
May 18-20, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy

The Non-Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP) workshop is a biennial international workshop aiming at presenting and discussing new ideas, techniques and results related to alternative approaches in speech processing. New and innovative approaches and their applications are welcome to participate in this workshop.

All fields of speech processing are targeted by the workshop, namely:

Speech Production
Speech Analysis and Modeling
Speech Coding
Speech Synthesis
Speech Recognition
Speaker Identification / Verification
Speech Enhancement / Separation
Speech Perception

WIRN 2015 will follow the conference Non-Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP) 2015 that is held from the 18th to the 20th of May 2015

Interested authors are invited to contribute papers on theory and applications of Artificial Life, Evolutionary Computation, and complex smart systems.


Si è concluso il Workshop congiunto WIRN-NOLISP 2015. Come per le precendenti edizioni del WIRN, l'evento è stato un successo che sarà sicuramente ripetuto nel 2016.